The Royal Scottish Academy are exhibiting ‘Dante’s Inferno’ scroll in the annual exhibition from 6 May-11 June. The scroll is displayed on a story telling device. There is an online link to see the scroll which you can view here.

In 1989 I was awarded the John Kinross scholarship to Florence by the Royal Scottish Academy. On this scholarship I became interested in the story of ‘Dante’s Inferno’. In 1995 I was awarded a Commonwealth Universities research scholarship to India where I studied scroll painting. In 2022 I was able to combine these two areas of research when I was awarded a time, space, money bursary from a-n The Artists Information Company. This led to a residency at the Lemonade litho studios, in which I was able to edition ‘Dante’s Inferno’ with Catherine Ade. I treated the themes of the Inferno as metaphors for the politically challenging times in which we live, and my own personal journey.

This project was reviewed by the ‘Wonder book’ . The project was the subject of an article (‘Turning Up the Heat’) in Printmaking Today (Winter 2022 edition). It was also included in Paul Croft’s book ‘Collaboration in Practice British Lithography 1800-2022’.